Thursday, July 16, 2009


This morning students worked in groups.

After lunch Craig Douglas spoke with the students about his current research with sensors in the quality control of production of pharmaceuticals. Craig gave the students an overview of the problems involved and gave the students an idea of some of the difficulties as well as the solutions with these problems. This gives students yet another wonderful opportunity for consideration when they apply to graduate schools.

Now students will be working in groups, they don't have reports this afternoon so they will be very productive.


Today students worked in groups in the morning.

After lunch students met with Steve Barrett and Cameron Wright in the engineering building. The students were given a presentation about current work in their field. This work includes automating laser surgery on the retina, patient care for emergency personnel in war zones, as well as fly eye sensors. The last topic was well covered and we will all view flies differently now. We then went for a tour of the labs where this work is being done. It appears that this will benefit many different fields. The students are also encouraged to email any questions they might have to Steve or Cameron, who knows they might even accept our students for graduate school.

After this tour the students split up again into groups to work a bit more on their write-ups for Friday.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


This morning students met in groups and worked on their projects.

After lunch Michael Stoellinger gave a presentation on modeling turbulent flames. The students were able to see where the stochastic differential equations that they are looking at are applied. This also gave students a good introduction to some computations that can be done efficiently on computers that they will be seeing at NCAR in Boulder. After the talk Mike gave a short derivation of the new stochastic model for turbulent flow in combustion reactions.

Now students are meeting with Bryan and Greg to talk about the paper that they submitted last week and where they need to go in the next few weeks. Keep up the good work everyone!!

Friday and Monday

Students worked on their projects on Friday.

Sunday evening Jeff and Nicole had the students, and faculty, over for a barbecue. The night was filled with fun and wonderful food! Thanks to Jeff and Nicole for a great time!

On Monday the students went to the two bar 7, or as their brand has it equals 7. There we had a great lunch and four of the students went horseback riding. The rest went hiking during this time, it was great fun, a good break from our normal days.

Now it's back to work with a talk this afternoon and meetings with Bryan and Greg to discuss the draft that was turned in on Friday.